Special Feature:
San Jacinto Battleground State Park
Battleship Texas Hard Hat Tour
La Porte (Houston), Texas
January 18, 2003
Turret #1
Gun House, Gun Pit
Entering through the public access to Turret #1's gun house, you proceed through the right-hand gate, climb over the gun's ram channel and take a look at the gun and its equipment. You also get to crawl down under the barrel (using the platform for the powder handlers) past the elevation screw and crawl on into the gun pit where there are stations for the pointer and trainer positions. Hint: try not to trip over the foot pedal that opens a flashproof hatch into the powder transfer room, or the powder chute itself.
The Photos
(click on thumbnails to open the photo in a new window)
Gun House
Gun Pit
For More Information:
San Jacinto Battleground State Historical Park
USS Texas Volunteers Hard Hat Tour Information
USS Texas History and Information